This painting was done by a now 16 year old female client, after she had come to the office reporting a generalized feeling of anxiety in her body, a feeling she could not track to circumstance.
Rather than diving in to cognitive therapies to explore the "why," I guided her into a meditation and encouraged her to cultivate a sense of "safety" in her body, and to pay attention to the images and sensations that arose for her when she repeated this word, " safety"
The image that arose for her was one of being surrounded by the love of her grandparents, and when asked to paint this image as a keepsake and reinforcer/validation of this feeling of " safety," this is what she created...
Art Validates. Art Calms. Art Soothes. Draw it Outside, to release it from the Inside.
#MentalHealth #Teens #Selfhealers #Therapy #ArtTherapy #Feelings #Art #TeenGirls #Cutting #selfHarm #selfharmrecovery