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Rescue Me

Girls and Women Esteem Building Art Therapy Groups

Fostering Self-Esteem and Emotional Connection in Girls and Young Women

Esteem Building and Body Awareness Art Therapy Groups are specifically designed for girls and young women struggling with anxiety, low self-esteem, or a general need for healthy emotional connections, self-understanding, and positive peer relationships. These groups cater to different age groups, ranging from 8-11, 12-14, and 15-19 years old, and are carefully sorted according to developmental stages and individual needs to ensure the most effective support and guidance.

Empowering Women through Virtual Art Therapy and Body Awareness

In addition to the groups for girls and young women, a virtual Women's Art Therapy Group is also offered for those aged 20 and above, focusing on women's issues and body awareness/embodiment. This group provides a supportive environment for adult women to explore their emotions, cultivate self-awareness, and develop coping strategies through creative expression and shared experiences.


The Girls' and Women's Art Therapy Groups are offered in person at the Long Island, NY, location and virtually, ensuring that participants have access to these transformative and empowering experiences regardless of their location.

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